Partnerstack <> PartnerPage Integration

Easily manage every element of your partner program with PartnerStack and PartnerPage

The best partner programs are based on mutually beneficial relationships. When we give back to our partners, we are investing in our relationships which in turn motivate our partners to give back to us. The give and take of a partnership are represented in the core elements of a partner program:

  • Referrals both ways
  • Revenue share
  • Education and enablement
  • Co-marketing
  • Friendship

While PartnerStack and PartnerPage, haven’t found a way to productize friendship (we’re working on it!) – both work to support these different elements of the partnership dynamic and now we are able to support partner teams in unison through our new integration. At PartnerPage, we are thrilled to partner with the best in class PRM.

How PartnerPage and PartnerStack work together

  • Automatically invite partners to list: When partners are added to a specific group in PartnerStack, they can automatically be invited to create a listing in your PartnerPage directory.
  • Track referrals from PartnerPage to PartnerStack: Any leads generated through a partner’s PartnerPage listing will be immediately attributed to them, visible inside of PartnerStack.
  • Sync with partner tiers: If a partner’s group is updated in PartnerStack, their group can also automatically be updated in PartnerPage.
  • Automatically update partner certifications: For PartnerStack customers using our learning management system (LMS) solution, partner certifications can be automatically added to their PartnerPage directory listing as soon as they complete a course.

Plus, you can build many other workflows using our pre-built API connection and no-code integration platform. Use if-then logic to track any events in the PartnerStack and PartnerPage APIs to make changes to a partner’s listing — for example, updating a partner’s badge or featured status when they submit a specific number of referrals.

Existing customers of both PartnerStack and PartnerPage can enable the integration immediately by contacting the PartnerPage team and requesting access.

What Agencies Want

What agencies want (Hint: It’s not revenue share)

We teamed up with PartnerHacker to ask top agencies what they really look for in their technology partnerships.

Here are a few takeaways:

  • The first call is the first date. Know a bit about the agency’s clients and services, and prep questions about their goals and KPIs — they’ll pay attention to how much you care about what they want.
  • What agencies really want = leads. Many agencies do want referrals from their technology partners. This can take the form of (1) directly sharing leads, (2) introducing agencies to your customer-facing teams, (3) inviting agencies and potential leads to events, etc.
  • Support mutual customers. Even with the most reliable SaaS products, issues will arise that can prove lethal to agency-client relationships if not resolved quickly. Vendor partners that provide quick and thorough support are the same partners that agencies will go the extra mile for (aka, more likely to send you new leads).

Check out the recordings below!

If you’d like to learn more about how you can send more referrals to your agency partners (with our without a software tool like PartnerPage), book a strategy sync with us.

Agencies… What Do You Really Want From Your Partners?

With Gina Perrelli from Lunar Solar Group , Jordan Taormina from The Snow Agency, Mary Grace Tifft from WITHIN, and Lizzie (Nirenberg) Andrew from Klaviyo.

How Do World Class PM’s Support Agency Partnerships?

With Alex Lazoff from Yotpo, Leah Beitler from Listrak, Marco De Paulis from Whiplash, and Stewart Wesley from PartnerPage.

Want to chat more about how to activate agency partnerships to drive revenue? Book a meeting with the PartnerPage team. 

How to find and recruit agencies

Step 1: Find the right partners for you

By Stewart Wesley

So there you are – sitting at your laptop 5 months into being a partnership manager. You’re eager to prove you can hit 40% of new revenue from “the channel” but there’s a problem: partners aren’t flocking to join your new program or, after signing up, they aren’t responding to your follow ups. It’s starting to look grim and you’re looking for a quick win that can scale.

We’re here to answer the only two questions you need to ask to find and recruit the right partners to bring your program back to life:

Question 1: “Who is a good fit for my partner program?”

Question 2: “How do I get them to join the program and actually stay engaged?”

Luckily, the first question is pretty easy to address. Here’s the process for figuring out who your partners should be:

  1. Define your Ideal Partner Profile (IPP) and try not to say the acronym out loud during any important meetings to avoid bathroom humor… your team will not appreciate the jokes if you are 8% to goal.
    • Pro tip: Pull a short list of agencies that are already getting value from your product. Interview 2-3 agencies to understand how they REALLY use your product to support the services offerings they have. Note the characteristics that define agencies that use your product well. 
  2. Now that you have your Ideal Partner Profile, let’s talk about how to find and invite agencies, specifically ones that are already using your product. There are two key tactics for doing this:
  • 💻 Technical tactic: Agencies typically access your SaaS product directly via customer accounts. Leverage this by flagging accounts where the domain of the users’ email address doesn’t match the company domain of the customer account. (See the table below for an example.) Ask your engineering team to run a query and share a list of all users where this type of discrepancy exists. Make sure to do some quick research to confirm that results are indeed agencies before you start reaching out.
Customer Account Name and Company URLUser Email Addresses
Bob’s Discount Furniture URL:;
  • 🗣️ Word-of-mouth tactic: Ask your CSM and Sales teams to reach out to you when specific agencies or consultants come up in any customer calls. People always ask CS and Sales for stuff (CS especially), so consider making it worth their time somehow with a spiff, a hearty shoutout, etc. We’ve heard from many partnership people that this strategy is, while nice in theory, difficult to actually execute, so we recommend defaulting to the technical tactic above.
  1. Now that you have the names of some agencies that already use your product, let’s discuss gathering cold leads. One way to quickly get started on building an outbound target list is to check out partner directories of (1) your competitors and (2) your platform and key integration partners. Keep in mind that every partner manager of every SaaS product in the Shopify app store has gone to the Shopify Plus partner program website and started outbound from the top… if you are going to hunt these same grounds, you’ll need to get creative or at the very least consider starting in reverse alphabetical order.

Stay tuned for Part 2 – Get agencies to join and actually engage with your partner program. 

P.s. We do sell software but we mostly care about helping partnerships work for our customers and their partner ecosystems. Feel free to email me ( with any questions on how to find and recruit the right partners.

About the author

I am the COO of PartnerPage. I have worked on technology and agency partnerships since 2017 at Klaviyo and Yotpo. Before that, I worked on the other side of the table at a large consulting firm. More than anything, I believe that the best way to get your partners to care about your partner program is to send them referrals. Let’s connect!

How to build a technology partnership

By Stewart Wesley with input from Chris Samila (Crossbeam/Partner Leaders), Rich Gardner (Klaviyo), Dan Caldwell (Klaviyo), Dan Anand (Loop), Lindsay Kolinsky (Okendo), and Andrew Smith (Klaviyo)

It took me about 4 years in partnerships to understand a nearly complete strategy for building a strong technology partnership, and I only realized it a few months before leaving my role as a partnerships manager. My experiences are really based on eCommerce SaaS (I worked at Swell (before it was acquired by Yotpo) then Yotpo then Klaviyo) but I hope the takeaways described below are a bit more universal. This is just one recipe that worked for me and there are definitely other approaches as well. 

What I learned, at the highest level, is that the following principles will guide you to successful technology partnerships:

  1. Build real and meaningful customer value (typically through an integration).
  2. Tell stories that are based on real data analysis to your teams and the market.
  3. Be empathetic to your partner and every stakeholder (CSMs, Sales managers, customers, partner managers, product managers etc.) in the process.
  4. Focus on your top priority partners and get it right, then repeat with the next most valuable partners. Adapt to changing priorities and don’t be afraid to say “not now” when a meaningful partnership doesn’t seem feasible.

As I see a ton of sharp CSMs, Account Executives, Agency Partner Managers, Product Managers, and people from all sorts of other roles come into Technology Partnership roles, I wanted to share this recipe to help all of you succeed. For all of you starting off in a new partnerships role, good luck! The entire partnership community benefits from your success.

Before we look at the “how”, I wanted to quickly call out the typical goals of technology partnerships so it is clear what we are working towards with this approach:

Goals of Technology Partnerships:

  1. Create customer value with integrations:
    • For many, this can be a goal in itself (and maybe it should be). Integrations are well known to decrease customer churn and, in many cases, increase the ROI of your SaaS solution.
    • Make sure your boss and boss’s boss have some understanding of the value of integrations because, as you can see below, there is a lot of work required to get to revenue and sometimes leaders can singularly focus on dollars referred.
  2. Drive new customer acquisition through direct referrals, deal influence, and co-marketing:
    • I would argue that getting to sustainable revenue from technology partnerships also relies on #1 so there is a real value narrative for customers. It is really challenging to generate a referral partnership with a technology company that does not have an integration or other strong shared value proposition.

Steps to Build your Technology Partnerships:

  1. Get your organization ready for partnerships
  • Develop a partnerships vision and strategy based on input from different departments and an empathetic understanding of their needs and resources.
    1. Get buy in from:
      1. Whoever leads partnerships.
      2. Whichever VPs/C-suite leader who has partnerships in their organization.
      3. The CEO.
  • Develop working relationships with the Head of CS, Head of Sales, Head of Product, and Head of Marketing and understand their goals/resources and align on the role of partnerships in their organizations.
  • Understand your toolbox for what value your organization can bring to your partners. Ask your partners this as well. Some examples include (but are not limited to):
    1. Being really good at sending referrals from your CS/sales team – Chris Lavoie at Gorgias appears to have mastered this.
    2. Have an outstanding partner marketing motion that is highly collaborative with your broader marketing team. Lindsay Kolinsky at Okendo demonstrates how impactful this can be by creating tons of meaningful content in close coordination with the broader Okendo marketing team.
    3. Build outstanding integrations or integration infrastructure. Klaviyo’s Track API is an awesome example of this.
      1. “Being able to send and retrieve data efficiently is pertinent in a world that requires multiple tools to successfully do business. Fast and nimble APIs are a MUST for any strong platform building technology partnerships  today.” Andrew Smith, Senior Strategic Solution Architect at Klaviyo

2. Identify partners worth building an integration with (or identify existing high-value integrations)

This should be based on your customer overlap and integration use case potential. Strong customer overlap is great but low customer overlap can also show a bigger net new business opportunity. Alternatively, identify partners who have already built a valuable integration.

  • This is a great time to use Crossbeam (or another account mapping tool) to understand what companies you have compelling customer or prospect overlap with.
  • The total value of an integration can be roughly calculated as follows: Value of integration per customer * total number of customers/prospects who adopt the integration = total value of the integration
  • “Confirm culture fit and investment energy from both sides early. Is this partner going to invest in your success and vice versa? Will they block and tackle inside their organization for you? Sometimes the integration use case is sound but the other company is too busy with other priorities. Understanding that the partner team is onboard, but also getting broader buy-in from around the partner’s business can be vital” – Chris Samilla, VP of Partnerships at Crossbeam

3. Align with the partner manager at your partner’s organization on the goals and resources needed for the partnership

  • Fail or delay a partnership as early as possible in the process! Many partner organizations are too busy for a big project or don’t have full support from internal teams to make a new integration really successful. 
  • “Proper expectation setting and avoiding false promises is key. Be as transparent and upfront as possible about where you can and can’t add value. There are too many false promises in partner programs. It pays to avoid them in the long run.” – Dan Caldwell, Technology Partnerships Manager at Klaviyo
  • Befriend your partner point of contact. Build rapport, send them gifts, buy them dinner, and understand what they are goaled on. You need to be able to be authentic and honest with them and this requires a strong working relationship and ideally, a friendship.
  • Avoid signing a legal agreement unless you absolutely need it–nothing kills a partnership’s momentum like 10 rounds of redlines between legal teams.

4. Build an objectively valuable integration 

If you can’t/shouldn’t build an integration, find an objectively valuable alternative offering that you can tell a story around. Normally, it is pretty difficult to find a shared story for a technology partnerhsip without an integration.

  • This is arguably the most important step – all of the next steps are based on delivering really meaningful shared value to your shared customers and prospects.
  • “A key question for two companies considering a technology partnership is ‘how would this partnership improve a shared customer’s experience compared to what our two companies can do already on our own? How does 1 + 1 = 3 for customers?”  There may be lots of other reasons to partner with a company, but having a shared understanding of the answer to these questions makes a partnership more likely to succeed.” – Rich Gardner, VP of Global Partnerships at Klaviyo

5. Develop methods/strategies to help customers crawl/walk/run with the integration

  • Data being pumped into your tool or into your partner’s tool is not valuable in itself – it needs to be integrated into your customers’ existing strategies. 
  • Create great help docs that not only help integrate but also help customers and client facing teams understand how to use the integration. 
  • Set up an initial group of guinea pig customers to try out the strategies that the partnerships managers, product managers, and relevant CS/Sales people think might work.

6. Prove the value of the integration with data and stories

  • From there, customers and internal stakeholders need to understand the degree to which what you built in #4 and #5 is actually valuable and they need to be able to trust the measure of that value.
  • If you can, use a highly credible internal source (like your data science/analytics team) to objectively evaluate the integration’s impact on performance metrics and customer outcomes.

7. Identify relevant client-facing team members

This should be done on both teams who are actively engaged with customers and prospects who can benefit from the integration (this analysis can be done with tools like Crossbeam).

  • Client-facing teams are bombarded with information and requests. By identifying their customers who can benefit from the integration and providing meaningful resources (from 5 and 6!) you can make it easy for them to drive customer value with integrations.
  • “Partner teams are increasingly spending energy on co-selling and co-marketing but the concept of co-retaining or co-successing is becoming a more common focus for forward-thinking organizations. Bringing together your CSMs and putting that partner overlap data into the view of that team allows for them to identify accounts where they can drive integration adoption or collaborate with partners on upsell or renewals.” – Chris Samila, VP of Partnerships at Crossbeam and Founder at Partnership Leaders

8. Educate team members (at both companies)

Educate them in the context of their specific owned accounts and prospects. Tell them which of their customers can use the integration based on your analysis in #7!

  • Lunch-and-learns can be exceptionally painful–we have ALL been to a LnL that bored us to tears and, honestly, those don’t help anybody. 
  • “I recommend any partner manager do a few things when invited to a lunch and learn:
    • Have the mindset that this is the partner’s time and not yours. You are there to help them.
    • Ask what time frame and format their best L&Ls have been in. Some companies like 10 minute presentations and others like 30 minute Q&As without any slides.
    • Ask for a list of questions or themes that the team is interested in learning more about. Tailor your time with them around these points. This should be your top priority.
    • Break the ice! Start your presentation with a few questions to get the conversation going. Once a couple people speak up then others are more likely to. Engagement is key.” – Dan Caldwell, Technology Partnerships Manager at Klaviyo
  • To give a good lunch and learn, you need to know your product, know your partner’s product, understand the integration well, and tell people about how it works and the value it adds. Skip the generic sales pitch!

9. Connect CSMs to CSMs to enable integrations for customers and Sales people to Sales people to discuss integration value for shared prospects/opportunities 

  • Connecting CSMs to CSMs and Sales to Sales allows for two main benefits:
    1. The customer in common in that situation gets some great collaborative support from both partners.
    2. The CSM/Salesperson gets to learn about the integration and partnership first hand, which will give them confidence to bring that integration to other customers.
  • Cultivate CSM to CSM and Salesperson to Salesperson collaboration through ongoing education and team activities.
  • In general, Sales to CSM collaboration is challenging and will typically result in the salesperson asking for introductions to all of the CSMs customers. I believe it is possible to enable this kind of collaboration but I have not seen it work well before. If you do try this out, be prepared to mediate.

10. Work with marketing to launch the integration across marketing channels

  • Leverage the data from number 6 and customer examples from number 7 to create some outstanding data backed customer stories. Showcase these stories across all of your usual marketing channels.
  • Use a tool like to easily showcase your tech partners on your website and aggregate all content on the partnership for your sales/cs teams and customers. When I was at Klaviyo this was a great way for me to always have some co-marketing available to partners when other marketing resources were unavailable.

11. Incentivize referrals through discounts for customers and tasteful/approved gifting 

Reduce friction for making referrals by making it as easy as possible for the referrer.

  • Giving discounts for customers who are referred is absolutely critical for good attribution of referrals. It is the difference between “You should use Partner A!” and “You should use Partner A and I need to introduce you so you can get our partner discount!”.
  • Get approval for gifting from your partner POC and try to make it personalized. If the referral was for an ecommerce brand, consider a gift card to that brand or another shared brand. Get to know the referrer and give them something they will actually like. I personally think that cash spiffs or very expensive gifts should be avoided between teams to avoid the existence or appearance of a conflict of interest.

12. Continue to land and expand relationships with key account managers

  • Continue to provide an outstanding customer and partner product/support experience. This is the foundation for any relationship between a partner manager and a CSM team at a partner organization. Every support opportunity is a chance to build a new relationship or strengthen an existing one (if you mess it up, it is also a great way to ruin that relationship).
  • Build friendships with the partner client facing team and help your client facing team build relationships with their counterparts.

If you run this playbook, you should end up with:

  1. Great integrations that customers and prospects love.
  2. Tons of referrals from customer facing teams who love the integration and partnership because their customers love them.
  3. A lot of strong friendships and working relationships with your partner’s broader team.

Making a partnership is an art and you won’t always be able to follow this recipe perfectly–and that is okay. If you keep empathy and support for customers and your partners at the core of your approach, you will build some excellent partnerships. Good luck and feel free to reach out to me at to jam on partnerships!

2H Media

2H Media is a full-service marketing agency, and building ecommerce websites is one of their primary service offerings.

2H helps customers direct online traffic, ensuring that they have a website that will convert leads into sales, which is one of the most important parts of the process. The best ad campaign in the world won’t generate sales if customers abandon your store during the sales process – or worse, visit your store and find that they can’t transact at all.

Software No. 1: Helping Small Businesses Sell Online2H Media relies on Shopify to help small businesses sell online in an environment that they can control. By building ecommerce stores on the Shopify platform, they are able to hand clients the tools to focus on selling their products online while 2H focuses on building them a website that is tuned to perform.

2H Media relies on Shopify because they have an established centralized infrastructure. Unlike an open-source alternative, Shopify has dedicated Merchant support, a diverse app ecosystem and resources like Shopify Local, which allow Merchants to connect with dedicated Shopify support staff and Shopify Partners. In addition, as a Canadian company, Shopify has public offices in driving distance from the 2H location. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you work with a platform that will meet with you in person to help you achieve your goals.

In February 2009, 2H Media helped Hauser Furniture rebuild their online store, leading to soaring sales. Since Shopify first launched, the platform has evolved to offer enhanced features and capabilities. After helping Hauser to refine their product listings in a previous project, 2H set their sites on modernizing their Shopify setup. In collaboration with the Hauser leadership, they set out to upgrade to a brand new sectioned theme. With access to the full current range of Shopify capabilities, they built out additional custom elements to improve conversions and elevate the customer experience. Upgrading to a sectioned Shopify theme unlocked new possibilities for creating web pages. With some custom additions to the theme’s code, 2H was able to leverage the Shopify customizer to act as a visual page builder that would allow individual page customizations without an app-based solution. This saved Hauser from monthly app costs and empowered their internal design team to iterate on webpage content independently from the 2H developers. The 2H collaborative approach utilized technology to minimize lock-in and allow Hauser’s designers to focus on the design rather than the more intensive development.

“The gents from 2H media are excellent. Knowledgeable. Approachable. Personable. And available. I met them at a Shopify event in Waterloo about 2 years ago and since then they’ve become ubiquitous in the community. Most recently, I had the opportunity to learn from both Ben and Matthew at the Starter Company Plus program in Kitchener, Ontario where they were mentors to up and coming business owners just like me 🙂 When I work with them, they make me feel like I can make my business dreams happen :)” – Sean Chappel, from a 2H Media Google Review

Software No. 2: Building Email AudiencesKlaviyo is a powerful tool and the only email marketing platform that 2H media recommends to their clients. Klaviyo allows them to help clients build an email marketing infrastructure that leverages evergreen content and Shopify integrations to serve relevant content month after month.

The powerful automations available in Klaviyo allow 2H to do more with less. Automated drip campaigns mean that an email that’s written in 2019, if crafted correctly, can continue to generate value in 2020 or 2021 as new customers join the mailing list. This is a massive improvement from the traditional monthly newsletter which relies on greater labour costs for a fixed scope of results. Additionally, the Shopify integration that is possible with Klaviyo allows Merchants to capture abandoned carts, repeat sales, and even product reviews with minimal efforts.

For 2H Media, email marketing is often the first advertising step after building an online store. By building a client a handful of templates along with key automations, they can create infrastructure that generates value indefinitely. A focused Klaviyo integration is one of the most impactful uses of marketing capital that a business owner can invest in after getting their online business up and running.

Klaviyo can also be used for amazing results outside the ecommerce space. In March 2020, 2H helped Dope Automation build a series of automated drip campaigns with an integration on their wordpress website. Based on which webpage customers used to join the mailing list, they were able to send additional product information to explain further details about the specific products they would most likely be interested in.

Software No. 3: Using a Refined App EcosystemOutside of the ecommerce space, WordPress is the 2H Media’s go-to tool for helping businesses go online. With a refined app ecosystem, 2H utilizes WordPress to help business owners control their own online content while 2H can take care of the design.

WordPress is free, open source, and expandable. Its capabilities as a content management system make it an ideal tool for small businesses to manage their online content. The robust app ecosystem means that an agency can use WordPress as a foundation to build a dedicated tech stack tailored to their service offerings.

By building out their WordPress tech stack to include Oxygen Page Builder, and Toolset Types and Views, 2H Media is able to build custom design systems that allow clients to generate consistent web content without the need for an internal development team.

In March 2020, 2H collaborated with the Organic Potash Corporation leadership team to create a user-friendly website to display all of the company’s activities and all relevant stock information. Organic Potash Corporation is currently traded on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) under the ticker “OPC”. Meeting the CSE guidelines and showing the world the impacts that one organization can have in West Africa was the primary goal. A custom Toolset integration allows OPC employees to rapidly update their investor relations pages with their most recent filings straight from the Sedar database. This allows potential investors to easily navigate through financial data and press releases to help better understand the intricacies of the company.

“I had the pleasure of doing business with 2H Media, in particular, Aron Murch. His level of professionalism and expertise was second to none. I now have a business website that is everything I had envisioned. Aron went above and beyond throughout the process and made everything clear and easy. I will use Aron and 2H Media’s services moving forward for anything business digital media related.” – Pablo Hadarits, from a 2H Media Google Review

Software No. 4: Bringing Awareness to an ECommerce BusinessGoogle My Business (GMB) is a free and powerful tool for bringing awareness to local businesses. Before a client even has a website, this is where search engine optimization begins. Google My Business ensures that searches return local results first. For any business with physical locations or a service area, Google My Business is the most effective and under-utilized way to impact local search traffic.

Google My Business is free, user-friendly and impactful. When developing an SEO strategy, the goal is to help search engines understand web content. Google My Business is one of the rare tools that lets business owners speak directly to the search engine.

2H teaches workshops for beginners and advanced users at Shopify and at Small Business Enterprise Centres across Ontario. From initial setup to getting verified by Google, their workshops cover the essential steps to harnessing the power of Google My Business in local searches.

Of all the tools they use to  help small businesses take advantage of, Google My Business has had the most widespread impact. Through their workshops with Shopify and the Small Business Enterprise Centres across Ontario, 2H has helped hundreds of businesses fine tune their local SEO using Google My Business.

“Matt and Aron of the 2H Media team have been so helpful for my small business – from the consultation and advice, to the GMB workshop I attended, I always leave our meetings with such valuable knowledge. They help me with the problems I’m having now, but keep a lens on what my business will need as I grow. I highly recommend 2H Media and will continue to utilize their services!” – Ashley Baker, from a 2H Media Google Review

Software No. 5: Keeping Projects on TrackAsana is a fantastic tool for organizations to track and manage their work. Asana is a web and mobile team-based work management application that uses cards to track individual tasks. With a little bit of setup, Asana can be used to organize all of a company’s internal information.

Asana combines ease of use and flexibility at the right price-point, making it ideal for a growing business. As a piece of information software, it has just the right amount of structure to allow self-organization without too much of a learning curve.

While 2H doesn’t use Asana to generate revenue directly, it is a critical component of their tech stack. From internal knowledgebase to their sales pipeline and day to day task tracking, everything is in one place, fast to record, and intuitive to organize. They’ve built a lot of the structure themselves, using the capabilities of Asana as a foundation to build their internal processes.

Essence of Email

If there’s any question that a strong understanding of industry-leading software plus the ability to leverage that software is critical to the success of full-service email marketing agencies, you only need to look to Essence of Email to see the proof in action.

With more than 200 clients in the United States and Australia and 60% year-over-year growth, founder Xiaohui “X” Wang and his team of 30 employees lean on 5 key software platforms to improve clients’ conversion rate optimization metrics.

Software No. 1: Building AudiencesEssence of Email relies on Klaviyo as its primary marketing platform specifically for their  email channel. With a laser focus on the needs of e-commerce brands and a product-first approach, Klaviyo helps Essence of Email’s clients build audiences and drives repeat purchases to increase customer lifetime values.

Peter Mann, CEO of Oransi, said the HEPA air purifier company’s email marketing results have been “fantastic” after partnering with Essence of Email and leveraging Klaviyo’s marketing automation and email platform software.

“From the high-quality design that matches our brand to connecting with our customers, we have seen much better results over the big marketing companies we had worked with previously,” Mann said. “by utilizing all the effective features Klaviyo has to offer, our email marketing was elevated to the next level.”

Andrew St. Hilaire, owner and president of SwingSetMall, echoed Mann’s praise, pointing to Essence of Email and Klaviyo as important partners in the success of the playground company’s email marketing efforts.

“We have been doing regular email campaigns in Klaviyo and it’s breathed new life into our email flows — all at a great return,” he said. “Everything looks professional and their team is quick and easy to work with.”

Built for e-commerce marketers to realize their retention strategies, Klaviyo has become an integral part of Essence of Email’s retention marketing services work. t

Software No. 2: Driving Subscriber List GrowthSuccessfully growing subscriber lists depends heavily on having great ways to initially capture contacts. To set up effective lead-capture campaigns, Essence of Email partners with Privy, which offers an integrated suite of web conversion and email marketing tools — including website features that drive lead generation.

“Essence of Email helped us create attractive popups that helped us increase mailing list subscribers and minimize drop-off rates,” said Veronica Hernandez, digital marketing director at BariatricPal. “They also helped us determine the best discount offers for attracting subscribers.”

Perhaps the most beneficial aspect of Privy is its simplicity and ease of use, all of which come without sacrificing functionality. This makes it a great tool for subject matter experts to get up and running quickly with capturing — rather than losing — leads.

Software No. 3: Maximizing ConversionsAll the website visitors in the world don’t automatically translate to revenue — conversions are a must. By incorporating intelligence lead captures, personalized website messaging and audience analytics, conversion platform JustUno supports Essence of Email’s efforts to maximize clients’ website conversions into sales.

JustUno’s logic builder for its onsite targeting suite is just one feature that highlights how deep its functionality is. The builder is flexible and covers many different combinations of default and custom criteria. Plus, JustUno regularly rolls out new, innovative updates.

Ultimately, JustUno’s capabilities help Essence of Email clients to drive lead captures and onsite conversions following email campaigns.

“Essence of Email and JustUno helps us keep our list growing with relevant subscribers,” said 2 Hounds Design President Alisha Navarro.

Software No. 4: Getting the Most Out of SMSLeaning into the power of SMS messaging is proving to be a smart marketing investment. A very personal channel that allows brands to really connect with customers, SMS is showing strong performance.

Essence of Email incorporates PostScript’s services, which connect well with Shopify and several other apps in a typical merchant’s tech stack. Intuitive and straightforward, PostScript also handles SMS compliance considerations seamlessly.

Though Essence of Email is still in beta testing with PostScript and a handful of clients, the company still ranks PostScript among its top 5 key software platforms — reflecting a positive future for the partnership.

Software No. 5: Pushing NotificationsAll marketers know the pain of abandoned carts … if only there was a way to reach out to these potential customers with a gentle nudge to finish their purchase. For Essence of Email, this is when PushOwl enters the picture.

By offering another sub-channel for marketing communication with clients, PushOwl effectively drives conversions, especially on mobile. Simple to use and produces results without heavy investment, one of the biggest perks of PushOwl is that clients can quickly be up and running with it.

Veronica Hernandez said BariatricPal has seen the benefits of Essence of Email’s relationship with PushOwl “to ensure that (Essence of Email) is up on the latest offerings and abilities of the platform,” which has translated to better performance for BariatricPal across a variety of devices.

Building the Right StackWith 118% average client ROI and a founder who is an official email expert at EcommerceFuel forum, an exclusive community for verified seven figure-plus store owners, Essence of Email is a great example of a company that leverages its stack well — to the benefit of not only its clients, but also its own bottom line.